Sunday, September 22, 2019

I'm sure she'd give it her best shot...

1 comment:

  1. Hi "Odd Job!!,"
    "Funny thing you should mention that, Grasshopper..."
    Very well put!!! ..and to add a "TWIST!!,"
    In the words of the late Mike Vanderboegh...,
    "A Socialist" is a "Communist who has not yet found his (her) AK-47 and the "WILL" to use it ...and,
    "A Communist" is a "Socialist who "HAS 'FOUND!!!!!!!" his (her) AK-47 and the will to use it...
    'Said Mike, one of his daughters used that scenario in "High School Political Science" Class ...and...
    "HE" had to go down to the School and have a talk with the Prof.!!!!

    Dig deep into somewhere back when and you will find it....... Enjoy the trip along the way.. you will learn a lot!!!!


    "South River Defense Force!!!!!!!!"
