Friday, January 10, 2020

No trophy for you, pip-squeak.


  1. Hi Odd Job!!!,
    'Funny thing you should mention that,.....Grasshopper!!!! Funny how that goes, It only took from when this planet was a whirling pool of space crud till sometime last Century for Albert to figure out that it took "Light" from the"SUN" something like "8 Minutes!" to get here!! Just like a Welder's flame or arc, look at it directly for long enough and you will go blind!!!
    The Environazi's keep yelling about our "Carbon Footprint and etc!!!"... yeah right!! All the "SUN!!!" has to do is "burp" a Solar Fart and in 8 minutes we are relegated to an ash!!!
    The idiots need to look up!!!!
    Audentes, Fortuna, Ivat,
