Friday, July 24, 2020

I'm done. Fuck 'em all...

We've let them kill the joy in everything.


  1. Hmmm....maybe they have no fans!...Why all the cardboard cutouts of people in the bleachers? I wonder if the cutouts have faces when viewed from the field? Probably makes the dumbass players think they have fans!

  2. Baseball, NBA and NFL can go to Hell as far as I’m concerned as can the NHL if they embrace this this cockamamie B.S.

    Having said that, all of this hatred towards our country reminds me
    of the greatest play ever made as far as Major League Baseball, that
    being Rick Monday rescuing the American Flag that a moron tried to burn
    during a game years ago. I remember Lasorda rumbling out to to assist
    and he probably would have cold cocked the hippie morn.
    I wonder how those two feel about this B.S.

  3. I was gettin tired of seeing new record contracts anyway.. NOw, the revenue will drop,, unless there are cardboard cutouts at home watching and running to town to buy what the sponsors are selling,, AAAnd we all know thats not happenin,, NFL, NBA, BazuhBall,, and Noosecar,, all done for me,, I dont care if the Rangers are in the pennant race,, Not Watchin,, I dont care if the Saints are in the SuperBowl,, NOt watching,,
    Can you IMAGINE being in the meeting where someone said
    I KNow! Lets put cardboard cutouts in the stands so it doesnt LOOK as stupid as it is..
