Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Is this real? Tell me this is a joke. Please.



  1. Real... yes, afraid so.
    True though? Naw.
    Steve S6

  2. I know of people who really believe Biden is doing a good job. Irrational people whose vote counts the same as mine. God help us, if You believe we deserve help. If not, I beg for mercy on my family and loved ones.

  3. When you DESTROY an economy with a plannedemic and lockdowns, and other forms of totalitarian control, it is hardly "accurate" to claim "success" when millions of those temporarily destroyed jobs come roaring back once the sham has ended. And presidents (even illigitimate ones) don't "create jobs" other than parasite positions they may have signed funding for in government. They can create the economic environment in which jobs can be created by the private sector (the ONLY sector that actually counts), but they do not directly create anything (other than misery generally).

  4. When people have to have two or three jobs to make ends meet. That along with the end of "gig work" are what is "boosting" the jobs data
