Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Niamey nights must be like no other. Mogadishu looks randy as well.


1 comment:

  1. Why is it weird? Poor + uneducated + Christian + Real Human => babymakers. Meanwhile Italy has negative pop growth lol. They should import some studs from Chad or Nigeria, assuming they can find more humble types. Black supremacists won't allow race mixing, because it would water down their bloodlines. Its was the common ground between the American Nazi Party and Malcolm X, actually. They donated to him at a talk he gave. Both claimed racial purity. Only one was correct, though, and that was Malcolm. Only sub-Sahara Black Africans are actual pureblood humans (well, most of them) in the sense that they don't have any Neanderthal or Denisovan ancestry. Neanderthal DNA is common in Europe at around 2-5% of people's DNA. Denisovan is more an Asian thing. Most if not all non-Africans have DNA with one or both, which is said to lower virility and also to inhibit growth of the primary reproductive organs. This shouldn't shock you.
