Saturday, January 13, 2024

...being white...



  1. WTF? I don't feel like I ever got caught up in the race game. Was raised mostly in the Old South but by Midwestern Okies born in the 1920's in military towns with military playmates (mostly) where race was never an issue but rather, whether or not you were an asshole made the difference in the way you got treated. That carried over into my adult life with a long career in the Navy. Kind of always had a sense of what was "right" and "wrong" in the English language, a product of upbringing and a good Catholic high school education regimen. Out of a sense of propriety (rules of grammar), as I understood it, I have always capitalized Black, White and Brown when it refers to African, Caucasian and the in between skin tones of some other racial groups. Proper nouns or something. Never referred to Asians as "Yellow" or "yellow" because I have seen my fair share of naked Asian women and they are not yellow. Ditto for Indians as Red, but never seen one naked. Delta Airlines, in the context of the below missive, sucks donkey balls for explicitly saying to not capitalize "white". What is wrong with Delta Airlines? Too much donkey ball gargling.

  2. WTF? I don't feel like I ever got caught up in the race game. Was raised mostly in the Old South but by Midwestern Okies born in the 1920's in military towns with military playmates (mostly) where race was never an issue but rather, whether or not you were an asshole made the difference in the way you got treated. That carried over into my adult life with a long career in the Navy. Kind of always had a sense of what was "right" and "wrong" in the English language, a product of upbringing and a good Catholic high school education regimen. Out of a sense of propriety (rules of grammar), as I understood it, I have always capitalized Black, White and Brown when it refers to African, Caucasian and the in between skin tones of some other racial groups. Proper nouns or something. Never referred to Asians as "Yellow" or "yellow" because I have seen my fair share of naked Asian women and they are not yellow. Ditto for Indians as Red, but never seen one naked. Delta Airlines, in the context of the below missive, sucks donkey balls for explicitly saying to not capitalize "white". What is wrong with Delta Airlines? Too much donkey ball gargling.

  3. "When referencing race, ethnicity, or nationality, be as specific as possible."

    Challenge accepted:

  4. Simple. Not "white"; "Caucasian". FIFY
